Dr. Rob Lion is a professor, researcher, and consultant that focuses on improving work experiences through the use of evidence-based practices. Rob and his wife, Angie, own Black River Performance Management where they provide a broad range of services ranging from corporate consulting and cultural growth to hiring, training, and managing change. Rob may be reached at info@blackriverpm.com.

Our Future of Work

The big question surrounding the present and future world of work is “what should we expect? If we consider a few, rather dismal current truths about life today, we might not be very optimistic for the future of work 10, 15, 20 years out. We are living in the most politically polarized time in recent…

Annual Reviews, an Annual Blunder?

A consultant I’ve known for a number of years reached out to me recently for my input on a new Performance Appraisal (PA) form he was creating for his clients.  We did the back-and-forth feedback exchange and wrapped it up and went on our way. This topic of Performance Appraisals, or Annual Reviews, has always…

Do You See What I See?

When is the last time you gave a person directions? How was that experience? Did they clearly understand your instructions? What about a person not familiar with the area, the landscape, or the organization, for that matter? Directions and instructions are common ways to share information, but they are often ineffective for the “receivers” because…