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Image says "your ego is not your amigo"

Did that Feedback Sting? You Have 24 Hours (to get over it ;)

There is no doubt that some types of feedback can really rattle us. It can cut to the core, even though we know it was necessary. The following is a support solution Angie and I established for our household. Whether it is warranted critical feedback, or not, our approach could be helpful to others. Feedback

Woman climbing mountain

Would You Rather Climb a Mountain or Provide Someone Feedback?

If climbing a mountain is more desirable than providing a person with difficult feedback, you are not alone. Feedback is one of the most valuable culture and behavior-supporting actions leaders, and co-workers can provide to one another. However, providing meaningful and accurate feedback is not always easy, especially in instances when we must provide difficult

providing feedback to direct report

Feedback = Love, Accountability = Respect

Providing clear and specific feedback is one of the most difficult tasks an employee encounters. Here we explore how to begin to minimize the stress and increase the impact of these difficult conversations.

Sears Catalogue Wish Book
Workforce Engagement

The Significance of the Position Description Build

Have you ever wondered why you might not be able to find the ideal candidates for your postings? Or, perhaps more accurately, you think you found the ideal candidate but over time they fizzle out? Setting aside the present churn we are seeing in the workplace, if you have had problems securing and maintaining candidates

Workforce Engagement

Our Future of Work

The big question surrounding the present and future world of work is “what should we expect? If we consider a few, rather dismal current truths about life today, we might not be very optimistic for the future of work 10, 15, 20 years out. We are living in the most politically polarized time in recent


Annual Reviews, an Annual Blunder?

A consultant I’ve known for a number of years reached out to me recently for my input on a new Performance Appraisal (PA) form he was creating for his clients.  We did the back-and-forth feedback exchange and wrapped it up and went on our way. This topic of Performance Appraisals, or Annual Reviews, has always


Need a Framework to Better Understand Human Flourishing? Take CAR for a Spin!

One of the things I have found with myself as I take this interesting journey through life is that accurately understanding why I do what I do helps me make sense of both the good and poor decisions I make, whether that is in a work/professional context or a personal context.  There is an abundance


Do You See What I See?

When is the last time you gave a person directions? How was that experience? Did they clearly understand your instructions? What about a person not familiar with the area, the landscape, or the organization, for that matter? Directions and instructions are common ways to share information, but they are often ineffective for the “receivers” because


Do Athletic Experiences Lead to Desirable Workplace Motivation?

The following is an excerpt from a larger piece, by myself, published by Human Resource Research. What do you think? As a former college athlete, I have found myself in a unique position. For many years, in my positions as a manager and as a faculty member, I have heard about the importance of hiring

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