Leader U Podcast

Everything Goes According to Plan, Until It Doesn’t – Episode 17

In this episode, Angie Lion of Black River Performance Management and Tiffani Wilson and Ali Gorny of Radon Professionals discuss the leadership competency Flexibility. Crawling around in crawl spaces has improved their yoga practice and taught them how to remain flexible! They are certified pros that give some amazing “pro tips” on how to adopt a mindset of flexibility, which they say is their biggest strength. They believe that flexibility is power, and once you have the power to remain flexible, a whole new world of opportunities presents itself. If you are looking for ways to incorporate flexibility, fun, and joy into your personal and professional life, tune in to their frequency, see the world through a totally different perspective, and watch how your life changes and opens up.

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About The Host

Angie Lion

Chief Soul Officer (CSO) of Black River Performance Management & Host of the Leader U Podcast

“I polish human gems in the workplace and assist them in reaching their full potential”

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