Black River Performance Management
Hiring the right people for your organization is one of your biggest challenges and one of the most important decisions you will make.
Your reputation as an organization is key in building a strong employer brand that will attract the kind of talent you desire. This requires strategy and investment into knowing what you want. Many of us know what we don’t want and we struggle to identify exactly what our needs are. Furthermore, we often encounter numerous poorly-fit candidates applying for positions they may be qualified for, or, we hire people we thought were a good fit for the job, only to find out that they don’t possess the desired skills for the particular position, or worse, they have behavioral issues that were not identified in the screening process. Research continues to show that people have conscious and unconscious biases about others they interview that cloud the candidate evaluation both positively and negatively.
We utilize a purposeful science-supported approach to hiring. After determining the position needs, we have a variety of screening options ranging from benchmarking a position which utilizes our hiring science solutions to robust questioning and interviewing strategies. Our processes aim to minimize biases and focus on what the position truly needs in terms of talent and capabilities, offsetting our allure with the charismatic candidate who often wins over reviewers based on impressions instead of evidence.